Herein, a sampling of responses to CNN article on Hillary's 'red phone' ad and Obama's response to it. Follow me below the fold, Hillary supporters, for some hoot-hollering fun reading. But first, make yourself a cup of coffee, sit down, and get comfortable. It goes on and on ... and on ... and on. There were 207 comments in all before they closed comments for the article.
Three samples to whet your appetite:
It's 3 AM. The phone rings in the WhiteHouse. An automated tape recorder answers…it's the voice of Barack Obama. He answers, "Present".
Yes they are quick in Obama camp and that part really scares me. If and I mean if by some long shot Obama wins……. Is it possible to install an egg timer on the launch button to give us time to get into our "nuclear" shelters? Go Hillary, we love you in Canada.
Obama hardly even shows up in the senate and has NEVER convened the committee that deals with Afghanistan. If he's so concerned about al Qaeda in Afghanistan, why not convene the committee? He's too busy running for President to show up or convene committees or vote. Yeah Hillary answer that phone please.
Change Question: What has Obama done while in Senate to bring Democrats and Republicans together?
I am very tired of his 'me too' approach. He keeps whining about a vote he was never in the position to vote on. He is tiresome. YesWeCon.
And Hillary supporters will NEVER board the Obama Express since it is racing right off the cliff and taking everyone on board with it. Lets just hope it only his supporters he takes with it, and not the whole blasted country!
I think several of Barack's big supporters, including John Kerry, voted for the Iraq war. Every time Barack states that a person who supported the war, lacked judgement, it is a direct hit on his buddies - Kerry and company. So extrapolating from it, if Kerry lacks judgement, does it mean that his choice for the democratic nominee (Barack), was also a result of bad judgement ?
How many times is Obama going to use his NO VOTE on the Iraq war? He took a stand because he wasn't in a position for it to be used against him. We are not that naive! His repetition is getting very tiresome! There must be one other good thing he has done he could use to one up Hillary? With all his Inspiration one is he not able to come up with a few new lines ! Maybe his writers are on strike too?
I am sick and tired of " she voted for the Iraq war….Give it a break. Does he have anything else to offer?????Duh NO. He is so full of it he stinks.
If IRAQ really had WMD, I don't see any problems to start the war. Saddam Hussein would give the WMD to Al Qaeda, who would kill more US citizens.
That's the reason John Kerry voted for the war as Hillary did. Obama supported Kerry in 2004. He didn't say Kerry failed the test and had bad judgment that time.
Yea yea yea. You opposed the war. So did millions of other Americans. Now what would you do tomorrow? Its the future. If Obama's only claim to be Commander in Chief and lead US foreign policy is this, then he should drop out of the race.
I Mr. Obama is so against Hillary's initial vote for the Iraq war, how come he has voted thereafter in the same way Hillary did regarding THE SAME IRAQ WAR????????? I am sure that if he were able to vote then he would have voted for the invasion of Iraq, based on his voting record!
Shouldn't that leader know the Al-Qaida already has a base in Iraq as well?…
I find it hilarious to see so many people saying that Obama can unite the country, when he can't even unite the democratic party. As proven on these blogs, he has been more divisive than any other candidate I've seen, and I've been voting since 1976.His "new ad" shows he can't even make a commercial on his own, he needs Hillary to do it first! Final note, how can you Obama supporters follow a man who doesn't keep his word? In 2004 he promised he wouldn't run for president in 2008 because "he needed more experience". His words, not mine. This is only 1 thing out of an ever growing list of reasons why he should NOT be president.
I don't understand he complains about her ad, and then he comes out with one very similar to it. God. What ever happened to being original. And I am tired of this man talking about Iraq, he didn't vote, he wasn't in the senate yet. How about he talks about what he plans to do about Iraq or the economy, or what is his "non Iraq stance not vote because he wasn't in the Senate yet" all he is running on.
Obama cant even make up his own ad - He sees what Hillary does and then does the same thing. This is just like all of the questions at the debate when he just says - yeah what Hillary said. What a loser. Hillary is the one to save the economy - that my friends is what is important right now. Latinos RISE UP for Hillary - Make your voices be heard - We are listening and she is listening.
lol, more double speak from obama. When people don't fall for what he's saying, he shows that he is a true politican. Problem with his judgement here is that it's the same day he's saying Hillary's campaign's ad is a scare tactic. So what does that make his ad. Change you can beleive in = whatever I have to say that sounds good.
Grow up Obama, can't you be original?
Who can make a BIG difference dealing with NATO and Al Queda in Afghanistan but is too busy running for President that he doesn't take time to take care of our National Interest by even doing the simplest of things and that is to hold subcommittee meetings that he chairs. Shame on you - BHO Sorry, forgot that you can't use the middle H letter anymore!
Thanks Obama for helping me make up my mind, now I KNOW I'm going to vote for Hillary!
You not only arrogant, you are quite stupid to think this counter ad would make anybody want to vote for you. Shame on you Barack Obama. Obama cannot win the General Election.
The polls do not show the Clinton supporters defecting to McCain based on his experience vs Obama's experience. Majority of Clinton supporters support her for the experience factor. If she isn't the nominee, are they going to vote for Obama? McCain will get the Clinton supporters who think that experience, and understanding the presidents roll is more important that pep rallies and talks of change and hope.
The Clinton camp should ask Obama if he thinks that Hillary "failed" the test in 2002 and this somehow means she is not prepared to be President if that also means that each one of the Senators who voted for the bill (including Kerry and Edwards or any of his high level endorsers who voted for the war) also are not prepared to be President.
Ok… a little tired of hearing he opposed the war when he did not even vote on it. He has voted to finance the war. He needs to get over himself a little bit. Has he done one thing on the Nato committee? No but he has had a year.. that is 365 days. actually he has had longer than that.. but. I actually liked him up until I watched the last few debates….uhm.. I agree with Hillary on that. America is going to be in serious trouble if he is elected…
Again, this is all Oblahma's got? The one time he made a judgement call, and he wasn't even privy to Senate documents at the time (and said in an interview in 2004 that if he had been, he does not know how he would have voted)! It is old and tired - get a new line! Oh wait, he HAS no words of his own - "I agree with Hillary", "Yes, Sen. Clinton is right", "Yeah, what she said".
Obama was not a member of the US senate, when the democratic senators opposed the 2002 authority to use force in Iraq. He simply gave a speech as a state legislator, opposing the war. It is easy to give a speech, when your bacon is not held to the fire. Barack did not show the same determination (that he claims in his speeches), when he introduced the nuclear legislation in the US senate against Exelon, where he kept on diluting the original bill (that he authored) when the republicans opposed him, until the final version of the bill he authored, died un-noticed and unmourned, especially since it had become completely toothless once the republicans were done with Obama.
Big change agent indeed ! Bottomline, talk is cheap but to deliver on something is a whole different ballgame.
Foreign Policy and National Security doesn't come with a teleprompter. Obama is an empty suit.
WAKE UP AMERICA. Because someone can play follow the leader well does not make them the leader. Clinton is the leader here and under numerous circumstances clearly…and if one is not the leader - the view is always the same. Question - who will he turn to to lead if he gets the nomination?
Looks like another case where Hillary has the actually idea and Obama copies her. Reminds me of the debates.
But wait, isn't he using fear? Didnt' he say a few hours ago how wrong this was? Once again I am confused by the Obama double standard. At least he is making it an easy decision between himself and John McCain if Hillary doesn't capture the nomination.
Does Obama do anything original? He copies others speeches, agrees with all of Hillary's debate answers and now he even copies her ads.
One more thing. Since Obama says he always agrees with Hillary, if he were President and a crisis came up in the middle of the night, he'd call Hillary and ask her what should he do !! Hillary Clinton for President…..pleeeeeeze !!!!!
Well said BG from Texas. I do not want somebody who is spouting sending troops to Pakistan thereby getting us into another war answering that 3 AM call. I also do not want someone who says it will be "cool" to sit in the Oval Office. Is he running for himself or for us? I am beginning to wonder.
Obama denounced Hillary's video - but then he he did the same one? Should we understand that he is denouncing himself also? Spreads confusion - should we trust his first words, or second, or third, or………..? Hillary is steady!
Great. Obama parrots Hillary Clinton's comments in the debates. Now he is copying her ads. Does he have one plan that is his own? Sending troops to Pakistan is NOT a good plan. If the only thing he has is her Iraq vote, I am not interested in trusting him with my destiny. I wonder how he would have voted since he said in 2004 HE was not sure what he would have done. He is too unknown for me to trust my life to good speeches.
Obama only has one answer as usual. Gee I made the right vote. Where was that on his usual stump speech! I feel sorry for this country if they don't wake up to this man and his lack of experience. He was not in the Senate to vote. Makes it easy for someone to say I voted no. He sure has voted to support since being in the Senate. He sure didn't use good judgement when making deals as a lawyer.
Good grief…bless Obama's heart. He can't even come up with his own ad without copying Clinton. Who cares if he voted for or against the war…what a joke. That is ALL he has. What about what is he going to do about the war now. That is all the past. Obama…quick living in the past and look to the future. It's 3:00 in the morning and your children are asleep. The phone rings in the White House because of something happenning in the World. Hillary picks up the phoneand ensures our saftey. Obama picks it up and has to go and ask Opra what to do!!!!
Once again, just like the debates, in fact this entire campaign, Obama takes his purely reactionary cues from Clinton. That's leadership?
Mr. Obama,Your respond ad to Senator Clinton’s ad is a perfect example of where you stand. Be original! Go Hillary – We love you in Texas.
What about Obama's supporters threatening Hillary's superdelegates? Where's the story on that?
Who"s Obamas speech writer…..the Pied Piper…..
"Hillary, I thank God for your desire to work in favor of our nation. Your willingness and experience will make your administration a successful one for every American. You are a voice for the voiceless and will protect us with strenght and authority from our enemies. Thank God you will be there answering the phone and no someone who wants to be trained on the job, that 'd actually be kind of scary.God bless you Hillary, Commander and Chief of the United States of America! Hillary - Nuestra Presidente Estamos contigo!
Even Obama does not know how he would have voted on the resolution to give Bush the OK to go into Iraq. Not my analysis - his own - in support of Kerry in the last presidental election. Obama re-writing history - as fact.
Obama why do you copy Hillary???? If the republicans are voting for it because of this you have nothing. Republicans now that and that is why they want you against McCain because you will be sooooo easy to beat…Stop braging that the Republican are voting for you, this is why they are, you will be crushed. Hillary Texas is here for you!!!
Obama such a controlling person. Don’t use his middle name, it makes him uncomfortable. Don’t question him on the issue, he can only hope. It is not a game. We are choosing president. Enough of the childish play.
I don't think I can stand four years (because that is all they'll be) of Obama's sermonizing and harping over this one thing. He was always against the war! So what? He was an Illinois State Senator at the time. He has voted yes on everything else pertaining to the war. If he was truly opposed he would have shown some moxie and voted nay! Candidate of change? He's a whiner this guy. He really has done nothing to qualify him yet for the Presidency of the United States.
Wow, Obama's running out of material. That's their great comeback? Yes, we've all heard that he got that one answer right. Most of his other answers he cribs off Hillary. And who cares if he got that right? What does he plan on doing about Iraq? And will he bother to show up at committee meetings?
I wonder if Obama was ever sent to the office for copying? It's a cinch he has no words or ideas of his own.
I am with you, Cesar. You go Texas! GET OUT THE VOTE! Prove the polls wrong. Make Texas another New Hampshire.
obama can't do anything without Hillary doing it first. Is he really the one you want answering the phone? Now he has his wife defending his middle name? Poor baby stop picking on him and just give him the white house.
Wow. Not only does Obama have to wait for Hillary to answer a question before he knows how to answer himself, now he has to wait for her to create effective advertising so he can copy that as well. What on earth is he going to do if he DOES win the primary and DOESN'T have Hillary to answer his questions for him? Does the man even have an original thought of his own? Cause if he does, he certainly didn't show it at the debates.
OBAMA You didn't "support" the war in Iraq..and you did not "vote" for it…Of course you didn't and neither did I for the exact same reason. WE WEREN'T MEMBERS OF THE SENATE!!! "If" you win the nomination (doubtful) then I can honestly say I DID NOT VOTE FOR BARAK OBAMA.
Mr. Obama, what do you call this ad? You said Clinton's Ad is scare ad. What's yours? Once again, your ad basically steals the premise of the Clinton ad. You are a hypocrite. Texas, please vote for Hillary!
Obama does not have the experience to run our country. He will get us in trouble with his lack of experience on foreign policy. Not to mention that he evidently does not love our flag. My father and many uncles, fought for that flag in World War II and two of them did not come home. I fly that flag every day. Hillary will do alright and not only that,she has our ex President behind her. I don't know about the rest of you, but my life was great when he was President. But it has been rough since Bush took over.
Just like Michele Obama stating not to raise your children to be "hedge fund managers or corporate lawyers" Care to know who she is slurring? Hillary by way of Chelsea Clinton. Oh, that doesn't count as a slur on character because they are Clintons. See the Obamamaniacs SPIN this remark off as out of context